Working Minnesotans can’t trust Donald Trump

Sep 30 2020

Minnesota AFL-CIO President Bill McCarthy made the following statement regarding President Donald Trump’s visit to Minnesota today:

“Donald Trump is bringing his bluster back to Minnesota today, and if last night’s debate was any indication, nothing he says can be trusted.

“As a candidate, President Trump told us American workers ‘won’t lose one plant’ and said our manufacturing jobs ‘are all coming back.’ If you ask the former employees of Electrolux in St. Cloud or Gerdau Steel in St. Paul, you will know none of that was true.

“What is true is that Donald Trump has ignored working Minnesotans for the last four years. From broken promises on infrastructure to ignoring our front-line essential workers, Donald Trump has failed working families.

“Fortunately, working people in our state and across the country have the opportunity to elect a President who shares our values and supports our issues. A President who has a plan to create the new jobs we need.

That’s why for the next 34 days, union members across the state are having conversations with their fellow members to get out the vote and deliver Minnesota’s electoral votes for Joe Biden, our nation’s next President.”

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