VIDEO: Pregnant Mom Discusses TPP Food Safety Fears

May 6 2016
Katrina Dizon Mariategue tells her story

As Mother’s Day approaches, the AFL-CIO released a video featuring a pregnant mom who’s concerned that the secrecy around food labeling and regulations in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) could negatively impact her unborn child.

“American families deserve to know that the food on their dinner tables is safe.” said AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka. “The TPP will undermine U.S. food safety regulations and once again put the greed of corporations ahead of the safety of working families. This is unacceptable.”

“As an expectant mother I already have a lot of anxiety when it comes to doing grocery shopping and trying to figure out what I can trust,” said Katrina Dizon Mariategue. “We don’t know what type of additives or antibiotics are being put into our food. Some of the stuff might not even be specified in labels. I think it’s a very terrifying thought.”

This video is the third in a series examining the real human impact of trade agreements like the TPP. Watch the first video on how the TPP could put the lives of cancer patients in danger and the second warns that TPP would double down on NAFTA’s economic devastation.

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