Statement on Governor Tim Walz’s 2023 State of the State Address

Apr 19 2023

Minnesota AFL-CIO President Bernie Burnham made the following statement in response to Governor Walz’s State of the State Address:

“As we head into the final weeks of the Legislative session, Governor Walz and all working people already have much to be proud of and even more to look forward towards as we build a stronger and more just Minnesota for everyone, with no exceptions.

“At a time when other states are taking away freedoms, dividing working people, and making it harder to vote, Governor Walz and the pro-worker majority in the Legislature are investing in schools, infrastructure, and public services while expanding union, reproductive, and voting rights.

“In the next six weeks, we look forward to legislation that establishes a paid family & medical leave program, expands labor protections, and a more just tax system where everyone pays their fair share so we can make long-term investments in schools, transportation, and ensuring a dignified retirement for everyone.

“As we see the results of this historic session in the coming months and years, Minnesota will once again be the national model of a state that works for everyone – no matter what we look like, who we call family, where we live, or where we work.” 

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