Minnesota AFL-CIO Statement on 2014 Election

Nov 5 2014

Following the 2014 election, Minnesota AFL-CIO President Shar Knutson issued the following statement:

“Despite a massive Republican wave that swept the nation, a majority of Minnesota voters re-elected working families champions Governor Mark Dayton, Senator Al Franken, and Congressman Rick Nolan.

Governor Dayton, Senator Franken, and Congressman Nolan all ran in competitive races as true progressives with a record of fighting for working families and won. Their victories should be an example to candidates in other states, especially in states where voters approved progressive ballot initiatives like minimum wage increases and paid sick days.

Their victories are also thanks in part to the thousands of union members who had conversations with tens of thousands of Minnesotans about this year’s election.

Unfortunately, millions of dollars in outside money and negative advertising put the Republican party back in control of the Minnesota House.

However, the new Republican majority will find a state in much better shape than it was two years ago. Thanks to Governor Dayton and the DFL Legislature, Minnesota has a budget surplus, a more level playing field for women at work, marriage equality, all-day kindergarten, lower property taxes, and a higher minimum wage.

House Republicans should listen to Minnesotans, who clearly want them to work with Governor Dayton and the DFL-led Senate in continuing to build a better Minnesota."

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