Budget Forecast an Opportunity

Dec 2 2016

Minnesota AFL-CIO President Bill McCarthy issued the following statement on the November 2016 state budget forecast that projected a $1.4 billion surplus and stable economic growth:

“The budget forecast is good news for working Minnesotans. Governor Dayton and DFL lawmakers’ 2013 decision to make our tax system fairer and invest in Minnesotans continues to keep our state on strong fiscal and economic ground.

“However, with the incoming presidential administration’s unclear policy goals, now is not the time for the reckless tax giveaways that some lawmakers are already calling for.

“With yet another budget surplus, our policy makers have a new opportunity to invest in our state’s infrastructure and education to create the kinds of jobs that can sustain working families.

“No matter who they voted for in November, Minnesotans were clear, continue and expand our state’s prosperity.”

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