The Governor held a ceremonial bill signing of the UI Trust Fund/Frontline Worker Pay bill.
The Senate passed HF4293, the state gov, transportation, veterans, and military affairs omnibus.
The House passed the HHS omnibus 69-64.
The Senate passed the E-12 omnibus.
The House passed HF3669 Marquart, the omnibus tax bill 69-62.
The Senate passed HF3872, the higher ed omnibus bill.
The House took up SF4091, the omnibus Jobs bill, and inserted the House language.
- Greenman offered an amendment to end the exclusion of hourly school workers from UI. After an objection that it was not germane, a ruling by the Speaker, and an appeal of the ruling, it was ruled germane and adopted on a voice vote.
- The bill passed on party lines.
Senate Capital Investment heard a presentation on the Federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, and SF4066 Jasinski, local roads and bridges bond issue and appropriation.
The Senate appointed Pratt, Rarick, Dahms, Senjem, and Frentz to the conference committee for HF4355/SF4091. The House appointed Noor, Ecklund, Long, Stephenson, and Swedzinski.
The House passed SF4233 Ecklund, the veterans and military affairs omnibus.
Looking Ahead
Conference committees begin meeting next week. Here is the schedule.