Workers Memorial Event: Untold Stories Labor History Series - A World in Turmoil­: 1917-2017

April 26, 2017 - 7:00pm

Panelists explore workplace safety issues in advance of the national commemoration of Worker’s Memorial Day. Presenters include Phil Qualy, a railroad conductor and Director of the United Transportation Union Minnesota Legislative Board; John Sielaff, author of A Workplace Accident: John Anderson’s Fall from the High Bridge, recently published in Ramsey County Historical Society Magazine; and Mike Scully, an attorney from Sieben Carey, knowledgeable about workers’ compensation history and current changes and threats to the system.

Untold Stories is coordinated by The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library. All events are free and open to the public. For more information, visit or call 651-222-3242.

Co-sponsors include: Saint Paul Regional Labor Federation, AFSCME Council 5, Camphor Memorial United Methodist Church, East Side Freedom Library, Hmong American Farmers Association, Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, Metropolitan State University Institute for Community Engagement and Scholarship, Micawber’s Books, Minnesota Association of Professional Employees, Minnesota Historical Society, Ramsey County Historical Society, Twin Cities Labor History Society, and the University of Minnesota Labor Education Service. This series is supported by an endowment created with grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation and The Saint Paul Foundation, as well as a gift from the Minnesota Association of Professional Employees Women’s Committee.

St. Paul Labor Center
353 West 7th Street
St. Paul , MN
United States
Minnesota US
St. Paul Labor Center
353 West 7th Street
St. Paul